Kurzy Polly the Collie jsou určeny pro mateřské školy a větší skupinky dětí.
Více o výuce angličtiny v malých skupinkách do osmi dětí se dozvíte na
Helen Doron Early English
In order to address the full range of each child's developmental needs, a successful Kindergarten program should provide opportunities for learning, self-expression, and self discovery in a variety of areas such as music, drama, games, and cooperative activities with peers.
The Polly the Collie Kindergarten Program is based on developmentally appropriate practices that reflect research-based, pedagogically sound practices. It encourages all children in English language acquisition naturally, though music, fun activities and nurturing.
The Polly the Collie program is both challenging and interesting for kindergarten children, yet with learning goals that are attainable for that age range. The program is also flexible enough to respond to individual differences within large groups of children.