Kurzy Polly the Collie jsou určeny pro mateřské školy a větší skupinky dětí.
Více o výuce angličtiny v malých skupinkách do osmi dětí se dozvíte na
Helen Doron Early English
Polly the Collie Learning Materials
Polly the Collie songs and stories are consistent with children's ways of thinking and relevant to their lives. It offers them an ideal method of reinforcing English vocabulary by using newly acquired words within an everyday setting familiar to them.
What does Polly the Collie Teach?
- About 360 English vocabulary words relevant to Kindergarten children
- 14 lively original songs to sing along and dance the movements
- A love of English and a joy in learning that helps build self confidence
Each child receives
- An Activity Book of 48 pages for use in the kindergarten
- A CD for home background hearing
- Free download of CD lyrics with illustrations for Polly the Collie students to colour at home