Kurzy Polly the Collie jsou určeny pro mateřské školy a větší skupinky dětí.
Více o výuce angličtiny v malých skupinkách do osmi dětí se dozvíte na
Helen Doron Early English for Children
Our Polly the Collie teacher training seminar prepares you for a wonderful experience teaching with the highest quality learning materials. Your training has been well planned to ensure you receive a comprehensive understanding of our rationale, methodology, style of teaching and hands-on practical experience.
Training Seminar | Area | Dates |
Polly the Collie | Munich, Germany | 21/06/2008 |
Polly the Collie | Stuttgart, Germany | 05/07/2008 |
Polly the Collie | Berlin, Germany | 27/09/2008 |